Wellness Magazine

Wellness Magazine analyses the aesthetics of wellness in art, pop culture, fashion and society and investigates which socio-cultural, physical and gender prototypes are concealed behind the concept of wellness.

Do wellness products serve as multipliers of neoliberal projections? Who has access to wellness? Questions such as these are the focus of contributions on art, lifestyle and social criticism. The magazine was launched with a talk as part of the OFF-Grid Independent Photo Festival.

Read feature on austrianfashion.net

Wellness Magazine

Wellness Magazine analyses the aesthetics of wellness in art, pop culture, fashion and society and investigates which socio-cultural, physical and gender prototypes are concealed behind the concept of wellness.

Do wellness products serve as multipliers of neoliberal projections? Who has access to wellness? Questions such as these are the focus of contributions on art, lifestyle and social criticism. The magazine was launched with a talk as part of the OFF-Grid Independent Photo Festival.

Read feature on austrianfashion.net

Wellness Magazine

The design is intended to show the clarity, slickness and sterility of the concept of wellness and ironically take it to extremes. In addition to the design, most of the texts were written by me, and I conceptualised and styled the photo editorials with photographer Oskar Ott.


Wellness Magazine

The design is intended to show the clarity, slickness and sterility of the concept of wellness and ironically take it to extremes. In addition to the design, most of the texts were written by me, and I conceptualised and styled the photo editorials with photographer Oskar Ott.


vakuum Magazine

vakuum is a print magazine that I developed together with a team of young creatives of Berlin’s fashion and editorial scene. Together with graphic designer Vanessa Weindok I worked on the Art Direction and Design. There are two topics per issue, which are opposite each other and meet in the centre. vakuum reads from two directions, has two covers and can be turned in the middle. In the first issue, we focus on technology and spirituality. The second issue was published in May 2023 and is titled „Hingabe/Verzicht“ [devotion – renunciation].

Order vakuum Magazine here

Cover Hingabe shot by Yis Kid / Cover Verzicht shot by Joshua Ezechiel

vakuum Magazine

vakuum is a print magazine that I developed together with a team of young creatives of Berlin’s fashion and editorial scene. Together with graphic designer Vanessa Weindok I worked on the Art Direction and Design. There are two topics per issue, which are opposite each other and meet in the centre. vakuum reads from two directions, has two covers and can be turned in the middle. In the first issue, we focus on technology and spirituality. The second issue was published in May 2023 and is titled „Hingabe/Verzicht“ [devotion – renunciation].

Order vakuum Magazine here

Cover Hingabe shot by Yis Kid / Cover Verzicht shot by Joshua Ezechiel

vakuum Magazine

vakuum on instagram

vakuum Magazine

vakuum on instagram

vakuum Magazine

vakuum on instagram

vakuum Magazine

vakuum on instagram

Exhibition Poster Design 

poster art 1 by Cristian Anutoiu / poster art 2 by Vanessa Kuegerl

Exhibition Poster Design 

poster art 1 by Cristian Anutoiu / poster art 2 by Vanessa Kuegerl


In co-operation with the Mozarteum University and the Architekturhaus Salzburg I did my first corporate design project. Bildungs(t)räume reflected the interaction between learning and spatial aspects of the current educational discourse. The graphic design was conceptualised and realised with the students and the and the head lecturer.

Photos by Lea Sophie Kurz


In co-operation with the Mozarteum University and the Architekturhaus Salzburg I did my first corporate design project. Bildungs(t)räume reflected the interaction between learning and spatial aspects of the current educational discourse. The graphic design was conceptualised and realised with the students and the and the head lecturer.

Photos by Lea Sophie Kurz